2. Substance Use Disorder Evaluation

Here are the components to the Substance Use Disorder Evaluation that is required under He-A 507.03.

A substance use disorder evaluation shall include the administration and review of:

  1. The ASAM (3rd edition, 2013), to include completion of all fields within the ASAM assessment.
  2. The Driver Risk Inventory-II (DRI-II) (2007 edition), except that clients who have already taken the DRI-II as part of a screening described in He-A 507.02 shall not be required to take the test again.
  3. Any other diagnostic instrument the IDCMP deems appropriate.

If there is a positive finding, the IDCMP shall, either at the time of the evaluation or at a scheduled follow-up meeting conducted within 14 calendar days following completion of the evaluation:

  1. Develop an individualized service plan as described in He-A 507.04.
  2. Meet with the client to discuss:.
    1. The results of the diagnostic instruments above and the interpretation of the client’s scores;
    2. The evaluator’s assessment of the client’s involvement with alcohol and/or other drugs.
    3. The service plan requirements.
    4. The right to request a hearing with the DMV to rebut the service plan requirements, in accordance with RSA 265-A:40, VI, and Saf-C 204.20.
    5. Referral to approved treatment and recovery support providers, including, pursuant to RSA 265-A:40, VII, the client’s option to receive services from the same IDCMP that conducted the evaluation and the requirements thereof.
  3. Provide the client written copies of the information in (2) above.
  4. Obtain the client’s written acknowledgment that written copies of the information in (2) above have been provided.
  5. Obtain the client’s dated signature on the service plan, or an indication of the client’s refusal to sign and agree to the service plan.